Sunday, July 13, 2014

Exploring Minnesota - Jay Cooke State Park - Wild River State River State Park

Day 5

We had a long day ahead of us with plans to stop by Savanna Portage State Park on the way to Jay Cooke State Park. We finally arrived at Jay Cooke around 4pm.

After we set up our tent, we spent the early evening hiking by the swing bridge on the St. Louis river. Jim got lots of opportunities to take pictures of the roaring river and numerous falls. In 2012, the bridge had been destroyed and it was recently restored. Later that evening, we biked on the Willard Munger trail heading towards Duluth.


Miles Biked: 11

Day 6

It rained during the night so our campsite was rather wet when we woke up in the morning. We decided to pack up early and head to Wild River State Park to ensure we had a campsite for the weekend where Lisa would join us.


We arrived at Wild River late morning and we found an open campsite. We investigated the campground by bike and saw the interpretive center, trail center,  and the St. Croix river. We signed up for a canoe trip on Saturday that involved helping clean up the river. This event was through Friends of the St. Croix River Association and Wild River State Park. It was a part of the River Awareness Week.

Miles Biked: 10

Day 7

We got up early, broke down our campsite, and prepared to head out for our canoe adventure. We met at the boat launch and we headed out with 8 canoes, 20 people, and the state park naturalist. This canoe trip was nine miles long and would take around four hours.

We spent the majority of the day on the river and we were surprised at how clean it was. There was a lot of tree debris from the high waters and we did pick up some garbage along the shore, but not as much as we would have expected. It was a great day on the water!

Finally, we returned to the state park and we decided to head to Nelson's ice cream as a trip finale. Pirate's Booty was delicious. Yum!

Miles Paddled: 9


Trip Recap:

Number of State Parks: 10 (66/76 parks visited)

Miles Driven: 1,100

Miles Biked: 49

Miles Hiked: 2 (too buggy...)

Miles Paddled: 9

Pages Read: 1,800

Mosquitoes: Thousands

Helicopters: Hundreds

Ticks: 3

Ice cream cones: 3

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