Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Africa - Final Day

Day Ten

Our final day in Africa!  We finished packing our clothes for our final journey home.

Departure from our hotel was planned for 830AM, with plans of one last lodge inspection than on to the airport for a long day of airline/airport travel.

We headed out to Botswana to see the Chobe Safari Lodge.  This 4-star lodge was located right on the Zambezi River, with opportunities to cruise the river, watch the animals come into drink and game drives.  It was a beautiful property with various options of accommodations from luxury riverside, to luxury safari side or individual roundavels.     We had a buffet lunch at the lodge, then we were off for the Kasane Airport (located in Zimbabwe) for an hour flight to Johannesburg.

In Johannesburg, we had to say good-bye to our travel companions, as we headed out for various parts of the US (California, New York, Illinois, Tennessee and Florida just to name a few) .   Thank you to Robin Mountain of Ntaba Tours for sharing his love and passion for his native country, South Africa.

Amazing South Africa!